#reggaerootsdub #jahwarriorriddim #eastmeetswest #RockersFarEast #Dem A Lie | Rockers Far East – Dem A Lie
”East Meets West” REPRESENTING “East Side”
Rockers Far East – Dem A Lie (Jah Warrior Riddim)
Rockers Far East are
Itak Shaggy Tojo, Far East Steppa, Ras Kanto, Hieda
Produced by Gonzalez Music Lab Exec-prod. Masta Yahgga
Video shot & edited by Lokyo Multimedia Jp
R.F.E. logo designed by soranowa66
MIX & Mastered: Gonzalez (Gonzalez Music Lab)
Hieda (room 3345)
Release Date: September 11, 2021 ©️Fareast SoulJah Music
When you talk about Roots & Dub, Reggae Music, Rasta Culture from out of the Far East Japan, you must know this group by the name called “Rockers Far East”. Dropping their new song “Dem A Lie” with the “East Meets West” 2021 project on the Fareast SoulJah Music Label.
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