Video: Everton Blender – Can’t take my space

#EvertonBlender #Canttakemyspace #Regggae2021 #DjVirus #OchiCityRecords #BlendemProduction Film by @Star_bwoy_virus Creative Designs By @Star_bwoy_virus Produce By Dj Virus And Everton Blender Distributed by Ochi City Records Published By Ochi City Records and Blendem Production Harmonize by Isha Williams Chisomo Williams Recorded at Trainline Studio Florida Mix by Donovan Harris Fur Fur Studio Jamaica Beat By Otis Harris Hyfiahbeats Riddim Own By Ochi City Records

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I've been around the music business since I was a boy, and gained my skills in the late 80's and early 90's when i moved with the FOUNDATION SOUND mans dem. I joined R N T in the 90's...

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