Since her tribute to the track star Usain Bolt went viral, Koffee has shown she has staying power. Soon after, Bolt saw the video and reposted it to his own account, where it has since been viewed nearly 300,000 times by his several million followers. In the year and a half since recording that first video, Simpson, who sings under the stage name Koffee (sometimes Original Koffee), has been wholeheartedly embraced by some of Jamaica’s most famous musicians—and by their fan bases. At the January 2018 edition of the annual reggae festival Rebel Salute, the veteran artist Cocoa Tea introduced Koffee to a massive audience one month before her 18th birthday. Now 19, the DJ and singer-songwriter—or “singjay,” in island… Continue reading The Teenage Girl Leading Jamaica’s New Reggae Scene
Month: April 2019
Netflix Releases Film on Ganja featuring Bunny Wailer and
Netflix has released a documentary on ganja called “The Grass Is Greener” that focuses on the links between ganja and pop culture. Featured in the film are reggae legend Bunny Wailer and Damian “Junior Gong” Marley, The 90-minute documentary was directed by Fab 5 Freddy and was released on 4/20/2019 to celebrate the legalization of marijuana worldwide.
T&T police commish apologises to Buju Banton over hotel raid
The Trinidadian Commissioner of Police and a representative of the Jamaican consulate visited Buju Banton at his hotel room this evening to apologize on behalf of the Trinidadian Police Department.